08/08/2024 0 Comments
Tea & Toys
Tea & Toys
Tea & Toys

© Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash
Wednesday 24 December 2025, 10:00 - 11:30
St. Swithun's Hall, Saint Swithun's Close, East Grinstead RH19 3BB
Wednesdays 10-11am for people with babies and toddlers.
We meet in the Church hall, St Swithun’s close. There is a car park for hall users.
Please ring or text Deborah on 07791648642 to book a place so that we can keep numbers at a safe level for everyone.
Tea and Toys is a chance to make new friends and help your children with social interaction. Please bring your own drinks for the children; tea and coffee is provided for the adults. There is no charge for this group.