Safeguarding Policy and Other Policies

Our Church is a safe place for children, young people and adults of all ages. We are committed to keeping it this way and have adopted the Diocesan Safeguarding Policies. These are reviewed at the Annual Meeting and Safeguarding is on the Agenda of every Church Council Meeting.

Our Safeguarding Officer is Hilary Saunders

Parish Safeguarding Policy

Responding to Safeguarding Allegations


Other PCC Policies

Raising Concerns & Whistleblowing Policy 2018

Social Media Policy 2018

 "e-Safety" Policy 2018


General Data Processing Regulations: 25th May 2018

We are always very careful with the way we use your information: we will never use your details

for anything other that to stay in touch with you about St Swithun's Church news and events.

We will never share any of your information without your explicit permission.

Please read our Data Privacy Notice below: 

St Swithun's Privacy-Notice.docx

To give your consent please go to the link below and fill in the Consent Form.

GDPR: Consent form for The Parish of St Swithun with St Barnabas and St Luke